There are 32 bars of energy that run through and around your head that connect to different aspects of your life. We call all of the points you touch when using this modality “The Bars.”
They store the electromagnetic and subconscious components of all the thoughts, ideas, attitudes, decisions, patterns and beliefs that you have ever had about anything. For example; every thought you have ever had about money that you considered important, the energy of that thought is stored in the Bar called "money."
There are Bars for healing, body, control, awareness, creativity, power, aging, sex and money; 32 different ones in all. Each Bar corresponds with that aspect or area of your life that it is named.
Touch one Bar and you begin to clear away the energy, subconscious patterns and beliefs locked up in that area or aspect of your life just by lightly touching it. Add in touching another Bar and you not only get the "issues" from the first Bar, you also begin clearing the "issues" stored in that second Bar. As well you clear all the points of view about those two Bars in relation to each other, allowing for exponential change.
Just by gently touching the Bars you effectively erase everything you have ever stored there, The energy, barriers and patterns dissipate and the electromagnetic charge & subconscious pattern is released. Releasing stuck energy is like deleting old files off your computer, releasing you to experience more Ease, Joy and Glory. Just 5 minutes can erase 5,000 to 10,000 years of stored points of view and generational baggage.
Each thought, idea, attitude, decision or belief that you have fixed in place solidifies the energy and limits your capacity to change anything in that area. You change the energy, you change how that part of your life shows up. What is the most simple and easy way to change energy? Get your Bars touched! When you do, something different can show up in your life with ease. You are the catalyst for change.
At worst you feel like you just had the best massage of your life. At best your whole life can change into something greater with total ease. This is an incredibly nurturing and relaxing process, undoing limitation in all aspects of your life without any effort.
Who you have your BARS run from is many times more impactful than the service itself. If you feel lighter, excited or more expansive when reading this, chances are you are saying YES to see Anna for a session.
I wonder what could be possible for you if all limiting beliefs and repeating patterns were removed from your body, mind and life?
There are 32 bars of energy that run through and around your head that connect to different aspects of your life. We call all of the points you touch when using this modality “The Bars.”
They store the electromagnetic and subconscious components of all the thoughts, ideas, attitudes, decisions, patterns and beliefs that you have ever had about anything. For example; every thought you have ever had about money that you considered important, the energy of that thought is stored in the Bar called "money."
There are Bars for healing, body, control, awareness, creativity, power, aging, sex and money; 32 different ones in all. Each Bar corresponds with that aspect or area of your life that it is named.
Touch one Bar and you begin to clear away the energy, subconscious patterns and beliefs locked up in that area or aspect of your life just by lightly touching it. Add in touching another Bar and you not only get the "issues" from the first Bar, you also begin clearing the "issues" stored in that second Bar. As well you clear all the points of view about those two Bars in relation to each other, allowing for exponential change.
Just by gently touching the Bars you effectively erase everything you have ever stored there, The energy, barriers and patterns dissipate and the electromagnetic charge & subconscious pattern is released. Releasing stuck energy is like deleting old files off your computer, releasing you to experience more Ease, Joy and Glory. Just 5 minutes can erase 5,000 to 10,000 years of stored points of view and generational baggage.
Each thought, idea, attitude, decision or belief that you have fixed in place solidifies the energy and limits your capacity to change anything in that area. You change the energy, you change how that part of your life shows up. What is the most simple and easy way to change energy? Get your Bars touched! When you do, something different can show up in your life with ease. You are the catalyst for change.
At worst you feel like you just had the best massage of your life. At best your whole life can change into something greater with total ease. This is an incredibly nurturing and relaxing process, undoing limitation in all aspects of your life without any effort.
Who you have your BARS run from is many times more impactful than the service itself. If you feel lighter, excited or more expansive when reading this, chances are you are saying YES to see Anna for a session.
I wonder what could be possible for you if all limiting beliefs and repeating patterns were removed from your body, mind and life?
Real Time Results from 1 BARS Session

- greater mental clarity, motivation and problem solving capacity
- significant increase in joy and happiness
- improved manageability of depressive and anxious tendencies
- decrease in interpersonal and intrapersonal conflicts
- deeper relaxation and non interrupted sleep
- Results seen from running the Access Bars
- Releases the blocks caused by the build up of anger, frustration, grief and exhaustion where it locks into your body
- Helps with Autism, ADD & ADHD
- Eliminates aches, pains and stiffness in the body
- Allows more energy to be available and flow through you
- Erases 5-10,000 years of stored points of view and limitations
- Improves sleep
- Creates a feeling of peace and well-being
- Quiets the distracting chatter in your head
- Relieves the tension in both mind and body
- Have an awareness that your life is improving and “problem” areas become easier and finally cease to be a problem.
- More youthful appearance
- Assist with test anxiety for children
- Have increased perception and intuition
- You will notice negative issues disappearing
- You feel both relaxed and invigorated at the same time
- Improves your interpersonal relationships by creating a space of allowance for self and others
- Wonderful for pregnancies
- Shifts the places where limitation is being created and opens you up to receiving more possibility in all areas of life Access shows you that you can have infinite choice, infinite possibilities and infinite contribution and how to ask questions to help open up access to those choices, possibilities and contribution that is available if you ask for it.
- Heightened state of awareness of your gifts, talents & abilities
- The shifts increase over time, bringing more ease, joy and glory into your life